We Champion Mental Wellbeing among BAME Women

NeneTLC is a women support group dedicated to supporting women from minority backgrounds to use their voice as an asset to secure their dream, regain their confidence, reclaim their self-worth, their future, and livelihood.

Currently, the group meets fortnightly where we discuss and find solutions to the challenges that BAME women in our community face.

Upcoming Projects

Join our weekly discussion sessions

Come and join this interactive session and learn how the BAME communities could be more involved and overcome the known barriers hindering them.

Join our weekly discussion sessions


Aย service provided for women by women, promoting positive health and wellbeing, by offering a range of educational services, holistic therapies and mental health support.


Our desire is not to create dependency but to help move people out of being dependent of the support but bring them out of the situation and carry on themselves.

What Our Members Have Been Saying

Wow! What an amazing experience. The meeting was so insightful, educative and well informative. I'm so happy to be part of this great family knowing fully well that you've got people who gat your back. God bless Nene TLC. NENE TLC to the ๐ŸŒŽ

From NeneTLC Member

A Very good initiative to touch life and turn life around, to give hope and confidence to the hopeless. Happy to be a partaker of this initiative. Long live NeneTLC

From NeneTLC Member

I enjoyed every bit of this meeting. Enough information , thank you so much the Host. Thanks a bunch DR Sam. God bless you all!!!

From NeneTLC Member

God bless you for hosting today's meeting and for Dr Sam who has enlightening me regarding financial planning as I have come to stay here for a successful life ahead.

From NeneTLC MemberTestimonial

Sorry, I was unable to join you this afternoon! I was at a prayer meeting(zoom) that didnโ€™t finish early enough for me to join you, but my thoughts were with you all. Hope you all gleaned some good points from Dr. Sam. Have a blessed weekend everyone.

From NeneTLC MemberTestimonial

I sincerely appreciate Dr. Ijeoma and Dr. Sam for organising this meeting. I have learnt so much, so many questions in my mind that I didn't have answers to received answers today. Thank you once again ma. I am looking forward to next month's edition

From NeneTLC MemberTestimonial

My sincere appreciation to Dr Ijeoma and Dr Sam, it was a very educative and enlightening session. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

From NeneTLC Member

Thanks so much for today's session. It's an eye opener.

From NeneTLC Member

Hi lovely,
I no longer feel like I need counselling but thank you for everything you have worked on with me. Iโ€™m a quick learner and understand as a growing adult we all need to make some changes in our path and you have already helped me to see where. I feel really good in myself and everything in my life is going well. The only stress is adult life stress which is normal haha. I feel like because Iโ€™ve always had someone dictating my life and now I donโ€™t that has been a BIG struggle for me to adjust to however now I am following my own path doing what I want to do wether the outcome good or try again Iโ€™m happy Iโ€™m making those steps. So thank you again it was a pleasure to meet you and hopefully one day you can do a cookout ๐Ÿ™

From NeneTLC Member

Support this great cause for the BAME women

With your support. we can further advocate and help to empower and inspire BAME Women who need additional support in the community.

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You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

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